No offense but some are really deep, or some are a waste of time + most people really dont actually care. Before you write a status on facebook it says: Whats on your mind. Not please tell me your life story in detail. People that write every second of their life do it for attention.
"Gonna be a good night" - I'VE SEEN THIS ONE LiKE 10943299429 TIMES! like ok cool, we get it.. we dont care.
"Text me or inbox me!" - HOLY MAN, obviously if nobody is texting you, it means nobody wants to talk to you, so i dont know why you gotta tell people to text you. LONER.
"Anyone wanna chill?" - now you sound desperate... honestly, DONT BROADCAST IT ALL OVER FACEBOOK... if someone wanted to chill they would of asked you already. Sorry to burst your bubble! :)
"To speak before you think, is like wiping your ass before you shit!" - Ok thats just gross.. just dont ever post that again.. just no, no. -_-
"You're ALL i want" - ok well im sorry to break it to you.. HE/SHE DOESNT WANT YOU!!! IGGHTTT.
"i want mcdonalds..." - yeeaaah we get it, you're fat, just you said it in a nicer way! its ok.
Im sorry, if you're gonna make a status .. please just make it acctually make sense, and not a waste of time...